?Primewire? Guns Akimbo Watch Full

Guns Akimbo ?Primewire?



Tomatometer: 6,6 of 10
Jason Lei Howden
Mark Rowley
Countries: New Zealand
Jason Lei Howden
genre: Comedy

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Guns akimbo watch full version. Watch guns akimbo full movie. Guns akimbo watch full time.

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Guns Akimbo Watch full article on foot. Guns akimbo watch full show. Guns akimbo stream. Guns akimbo watch full shampoo. I"ll star by prefacing I"m not the type who rates a movie 0 if I don"t like it, and 10 if I do. To me there"s way too much of that going on on this website Anyway, this movie could so easily have been better. And it"s not just the drawn on face tattoos (seriously) the pink haired girls nor the mandatory mohawked "toughs" nor even the cliche gunfight where the person with the glock outshooting the machine-gun and the inevitable bad guy switch. It"s so much more than that. This movie sucked on a molecular level. I see in some reviews here there"s apparently eye candy, but if want that I"d suggest YouTube or a streaming service where you can at least maybe be surprised, and you"re not forced to watch an hour knowing from the start absolutely EVERYTHING that"s going to happen. This is that bad video game movie with the alleged "A-lister" that the only question you"ll ask with any sincerity. is why? It"s not fun. It"s not relevant. There"s other options.
Don"t bother.


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Guns akimbo full movie. Guns Akimbo Watch full length. Guns akimbo watch for free. Guns Akimbo Watch full review. I didn"t realise that it was Samara Weaving playing gun-toting kick-ass chick Nix in Guns Akimbo until she screamed. that horrible, grating, warbling sound that has ground my gears in several of her previous movies. Of course, Weaving"s scream alone isn"t enough to warrant a 1/10 rating, so what else about this film made my blood boil?
The basic premise is sound enough, and Daniel Radcliffe isn"t quite as unbearable as I figured he might be (based on what little I have seen of him in those Potter movies) but Jason Lei Howden"s script is utterly diabolical and his direction even worse. Imagine that films can procreate: if Neveldine and Taylor"s Crank got freaky with Edgar Wright"s Scott Pilgrim vs. the World, the result would be a lot like Guns Akimbo, which features the worst aspects of the aforementioned movies (both of which I found fairly intolerable. There"s ADHD editing, naff camera trickery, and irritating graphics that routinely pop up on the screen-a noisy profusion of horrible modern movie-making gimmickry masquerading as style.
The acting is terrible: the cast are clearly going for excess, but nothing can excuse the godawful over-the-top performance from Ned Dennehy as tattooed bad-guy Riktor, who is more comical than comic-book. Weaving aims for badassery, but is just bad. The less said about the guy playing the bum in the alleyway the better. Still, working from Howden"s script can"t have been easy: the dialogue the actors are forced to spout is truly awful and not nearly as cool or as quotable or as funny as intended ( Never bring a spork to a gunfight. oh how I laughed. The pathetic pop culture references just add to the annoyance.
Howden actually impressed me with his previous film, the tongue-in-cheek heavy metal horror Deathgasm: it wasn"t perfect, but it was enjoyable. Guns Akimbo is about as much fun as stepping on a three pin plug barefoot.
1.5/10, rounded down to 1/10 for the trite "bullet-proof vest" plan explained to us at length in a rewound flashback, as though we"re too dumb to figure it out for ourselves.

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